Tag Archive | book meme

My Life According to Books I have read

It’s Friday, so why not have some fun? 😉

I saw this at Sharon Loves Books and Cats, and I think it originated from Crazy Book Slut. (Please correct me if I’m wrong!)

Using only books you have read this year ( 2009), cleverly answer these questions. Try not to repeat a book title. It’s a lot harder than you think!

*Describe Yourself: Twenties Girl

*How do you feel: Moon Called

*Describe where you currently live: The Tent

*If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Looking for AlaskaT

*Your favorite form of transportation: Take me There

*Your best friend is: Someone Like You

*You and your friends are: Addition

*What’s the weather like: Too Good to be True

*Favorite time of day : Goodnight Nobody

*If your life was a : Watchmen

*What is life to you: Little Earthquakes

*Your fear: The Bone Garden

*What is the best advice you have to give: How to Build a House

*Thought for the Day: Never let me Go

*How I would like to die: Casting Spells

*My soul’s present condition: I was told there’d be cake

(I’m currently cutting sugar from my life, slowly, and yeah, I would eat a gigantic cake right now!)

Now it’s your turn, and leave me a note if you fill this too! 😉

Read-a-thon : Hour 24, End of Event meme

End of the event meme (finally, we got there!)

1. Which hour was most daunting for you? Hour 20 was difficult, because the Man of the House left for the week and he was the one cheering me on (every time I got close to the computer, he’d say “Aren’t you supposed to read?”) Hour 23 was definitely the one though, I felt so tired; hour 24 will go fast, because I’m filling this meme, I’ll go around some blogs and then I’ll read the last 2 chapters of my book.
2. Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year? Wake is a beautiful book to read, when night falls and things get quiet, but before you become very sleepy.
3. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year? Nothing I can think of; this was great! 😀
4. What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon? I can’t compare, but I’ll say I loved the blog with the updates by the hours, it made it easy to know what was going on, when and where.
5. How many books did you read? 5! It was my goal, but next time I am hoping to have my day completely free so I can read more.
6. What were the names of the books you read? Coraline, Wake, Audrey wait!, Antigone, Ten discoveries that rewrote history
7. Which book did you enjoy most? Oh, it’s too hard to say! Coraline will definitely become a favorite of mine, it’s magical, but Antigone is a classic I can’t tire of.
8. Which did you enjoy least? Ten discoveries that rewrote history, for many reasons. I really wished I could have gotten more from it.
9. If you were a Cheerleader, do you have any advice for next year’s Cheerleaders? Keep on cheering!! (useful, isn’t it?)
10. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time?
Very likely! I loved it, and I was truely sad I had all those little things that I had to do in between the pages. I would still be a reader, and maybe a prize donor.

Read-a-thon : Hour 10 update and mini-challenge!

It’s going way too fast, and it’s hard to read when I have all the other little things to take care of. Tonight though, it will be quieter and it should be a great time to read!  Meanwhile, I’ve read Antigone by Sophocle and it was G.R.E.A.T.! I also read some more of Audrey, Wait! and so far I’m enjoying it.

We also had to go downtown to buy the Man of the House a few last things before his trip, and I drank a huge coffee, so now I’m all bouncy and ready for some page-turning action!

While I was gone, hour 8’s mini-challenge was to answer this “Love your local library” meme, which I’ll do just now!

  • What is the name of your local library? What city is it located in? The library I most often go to is the B.A.N.Q. and is located downtown Montreal. It’s been re-built a few years ago, it’s 6 floors high and it’s beautiful! 
  • How often do you go to the library? If you’re a regular, do the staff know you? Many time a week. I go there to borrow books or study. The place is huge though, so no, the staff doesn’t know me! 
  • Do you browse while you’re there or just pick up items you have placed on reserve? I do both! It depends if I know what I want, or not. But most of the time, I’ll do a little browsing anyway.
  • What is your favorite thing about your local library? It’s quite the “self-serve” service; you can return and borrow books without speaking to anyone! I guess some people would think it misses the charm of a smaller place, but since I love libraries for the “quiet” and “alone” time, I enjoy it.


The picture is from their brochure. I  love my library! They have great book selection, in french but also in english! It’s quiet, spacy, comfy, modern and in the hearth of the city. I wouldn’t mind moving in! (as long as the Furry One and the Man in the House can come, too)

Read-a-Thon : Hour 1 meme!

The Read-a-Thon has begin and I’m right here, all ready to read, read, read!

For the first hour of the event, we’ve been asked a few questions that also helps us know each other a little; here they are!


  • Where are you reading from today? I will be mainly reading from home, in various place; the couch, the computer chair, the bed, etc. I’m also thinking of going to my favorite coffee shop! Geographically though, I read from Montreal, Canada!
  • 3 facts about me … I’m an art history student, a coffee addict, and the TBR piles of books on my desk contains over 100 books (which means, it is most likely I won’t get through all of it today! :P)
  • How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours? I’ve posted a list of 14 books I’d like to read yesterday, but I have more that I could be interested in reading today.
  • Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)? I’d like to read at least 4-5 books, however how small they are! As for the number of hours, I’m not too worried: years of university haven conditioned me to stay up 24 hours! 😛
  • If you’re a veteran read-a-thoner, Any advice for people doing this for the first time? Sadly, I’m a read-a-thon virgin, but there is one advice that seems appropriate anyhow : have fun! 😀


On this note, I’ll go back to reading!

Book Meme : Reader’s habits!

Oh! A book meme on reader’s habits! This look like a perfect way to introduce myself a little more! I’ll try to keep my answers short so you don’t spend the whole day here (and see if you can notice a tendancy? 😉 )


Go! 😀

Hardback, trade paperback or mass market paperback?  Trade paperback, for practical reasons; they’re lighter to carry around and more comfortable to hold than hardcovers, but a little better quality than mass market ones.

Barnes & Noble or Borders? Easy one: we have neither one of those here, so I shop at Chapters and Indigo.

Bookmark or dog-ear?  Bookmark! I only dog-ear in necessity, if I lost my bookmark and have no receipt or some paper I can put in. Or if I want to remember a line but don’t want to write in the book.

Amazon or brick-and-mortar? A little of both, but recently a lot of Amazon. I get free shipping for 39$, so I wait until the Man and I have enough to order. Then it arrives in 2 days, yippee!

Alphabetize by author, or alphabetize by title, or random? Oooh my. My OCD plays a big role in my classification, I could write a whole post on that. But I don’t alphbetize (not now, anyway.) Basically, I classify by publishers for my french books, and by series, genre and size for the english ones. Fun, fun, fun!

Keep, throw away, or sell?  Keep! I sell sometimes, but most of all I’m a book keeper.

Keep dust jacket or toss it? Keep.

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