Review : The Forest of Hands and Teeth

The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
Pages : 308
Genre : Young Adult, Post-Apocalypse
My Rating : 

In Mary’s world there are simple truths. The Sisterhood always knows best. The Guardians will protect and serve. The Unconsecrated will never relent. And you must always mind the fence that surrounds the village; the fence that protects the village from the Forest of Hands and Teeth.

But, slowly, Mary’s truths are failing her. She’s learning things she never wanted to know about the Sisterhood and its secrets, and the Guardians and their power, and about the Unconsecrated and their relentlessness. When the fence is breached and her world is thrown into chaos, she must choose between her village and her future—between the one she loves and the one who loves her. And she must face the truth about the Forest of Hands and Teeth. Could there be life outside a world surrounded in so much death?

After hearing and reading so many great things about The Forest of Hands and Teeth, you know I just had to read it. Plus ; Zombies! How could I resist those adorable, rotting brain-eaters?

I loved this book. I went through it  fast, but it stayed on my mind for a few days after. I thought of the characters and their choices, the setting, the action, what could have happened IF, etc. It had plenty to keep my mind busy.

I’ll be honest, that my strong rating for this book is mostly based on my undying love for zombies and post-apocalyptical settings. I loved the slow narration, which insisted more on the setting and history of Mary’s village than on the zombies gruesome details. Of course, there were a few of those, but they were few and far between, even if their existence is a constant presence.

If there was one aspect of the book that kept me from loving this story completely, it would have to be Mary, the narrator. Her quest to “see the sea”, prompted by her mother’s tales about the “ocean”, is first poetic and inspiring. On the long run though, it got a little annoying for me; she was so desperatly obsessed with her quest that she didn’t seem to care much about her friends survival. I have very little patience for self-pity, and so Mary was, at times, a little irritating.

Still, I loved the book! I had a hard time putting it down. I felt like it never stopped and the pages went by fast – too fast. It was intriguing, mysterious, and frankly, a little scary! Putting aside Mary’s ocean obsession, I thought she was an excellent narrator, reliable and intelligent, and lucky to be surrounded by a good cast of strong characters, too.

When I turned the last page, I was left with many questions about the Sisterhood and a few other things I will keep quiet about for now (no spoilers for you!) But fortunately, there is a second book to be published in March 2010! I’m not sure if it is a sequel or a prequel or just a parallel story, but I’m hoping for another great story and more answers to my question. And isn’t that cover stunning? I want it now!


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11 responses to “Review : The Forest of Hands and Teeth”

  1. Amanda says :

    Ooh, I hadn’t seen the next cover yet! I love post-apocolyptic and dystopian fiction, which is why I read this. And I thought I’d be okay without a sequel, until the guy said at the end that his community removed all the gates from the doors because they didn’t believe anyone was left inside the forest. !!! I needed to know more about history outside the forest after that, and I hope it says in the next book.

    • kay says :

      Yes, the same things made me want a sequel too! I thought there was a lot of information missing on the Sisterhood too – what DID they knew, really? What was their “ultimate” goal?

  2. bermudaonion says :

    The author of this book is originally from the area we live in now, so the book launch was held here. I had it on my calendar and completely forgot about it and didn’t go. I’m so bummed about it because I keep reading great reviews. Glad you enjoyed it.

    • kay says :

      Oh, surely that would have been great to go! There aren’t many book launchs where I am – well, not the books I’m really interested in anyway!

  3. Heather says :

    Uh…spoilers in this comment you guys!
    I am so glad you loved it too!!! I can’t wait for the next one either; I’m hoping it’s about Mary’s friend whose name I cannot remember, since the girl on the cover is blonde and I’m thinking was described as blonde as well. That was one tiny thing that bothered me at the end; that those three left behing, their story was just dropped at the end. I want to know what happened to them!!! There are SO many questions left unanswered, I’m dying to know what happened!

  4. heidenkind says :

    So, there are zombies in it, then? 😉

    I’m very excited to read this book. I’ve heard so many good things about it! Maybe I can read it during my vakay.

  5. kay says :

    Heather : Once again, I agree with you. I didn’ t mention this because I was trying not to spoil anything, but I didn’t like this part not leading anywhere. But I don’t think the girl is that character you were talking about, because on Amazon, you can read the description… Her name even looks like an abbreviation of a character from the first book… coincidence or not?

    Heidenkind : I hope you’ll enjoy it too! I really had a great time with it, and I felt all the praise it received was deserved, but you never know before you try it heh?

  6. Staci says :

    I’m sorry I didn’t read your entire review because I want to read this one too!!! But I don’t want to know too much about it! I’m glad you really enjoyed it and I can’t wait until the library send me my email that tells me it’s waiting for me 🙂 I love both of the covers.

  7. Nymeth says :

    I want to read this so badly! And lol, adorable rotting-brain eaters…you crack me up 😀

  8. Joanne says :

    Even though I liked this book so much, I think what I liked so much more was that finally a young adult author took a serious approach to zombies! I do enjoy the fun little zombie titles like Generation Dead and Zombie Blondes but they just seemed too fun and zombies are more appealing when they want to eat you rather than date you – at least to me 😛

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