16 responses to “Comic : Bookmarks”

  1. The Man says :

    SWOTOR? Does this mean I can go get it now?!?


  2. BermudaOnion says :

    I love your comic as usual!!

  3. Amanda says :

    Makes me want to hear the coffee story. 😀

  4. Juju @ Tales of Whimsy.com says :

    SO true!
    I’m a ribbon girl myself.

    I adore when you do these.

  5. heidenkind says :

    I’ve used plates of food before but never a cup. 😉

  6. Jackie says :

    So true! Another thing that is not a bookmark- a bowl of spaghetti! I left for just a moment, and when I returned I saw the book pages managed to flip the bowl of spaghetti spilling sauce and noodles all over my book and my bed. One may also wonder why I was eating spaghetti in my bed…

  7. raven says :

    Arghhh – to spill a full cup of coffee is a travesty in itself, but to ruin a book as well! noooooo
    Loved the comic, especially the adorable but fiendish cat. Maybe the book was about catnip?

  8. zibilee says :

    Cats do tend to think they are bookmarks, usually when you are reading the book in question! I loved this cartoon! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  9. flownflux says :

    Reblogged this on Sex dreams and denim jeans.

  10. crusnik911 says :

    yea, ive had my cat hold my page for me, completely unintentionally of course….. i still need a new copy of that book.

  11. Meg says :

    Ha! Love it. I’m definitely guilty of using receipts, postcards, scraps of paper and Post-It notes as bookmarks when necessary. No coffee, though… not yet, anyway!

  12. Write-For-Your-Life says :

    I have made the mistake of using a cup of coffee…love the comics, adds your own unique flare!

  13. M @ JustReadings' Blog says :

    Hello, Kay! You have a lovely blog, here. Glad to have discovered it. And regarding bookmarks: well, let’s just say I can’t help but see a bookmark in
    every scrap of textured or colourful paper I find (which includes paper bags, too). Just don’t have the heart to throw them away! Result: have more bookmarks than books! What do I say? Spoiled for choice when it comes to bookmarks. . . . Your illustrations definitely brought a smile to my face!

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