On My Wishlist – 15

On My Wishlist is a fun weekly event hosted by Book Chick City and runs every Saturday. It’s where we list all the books we desperately want but haven’t actually bought yet. They can be old, new or forthcoming. Click on the link to Book Chick City, sign the Mr. Linky and join the fun!

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I added this to my wishlist after reading Nymeth’s amazing review of it. The premise is intriguing and it sounds like Meg Rosoff is touching the subject in an original way. Cute cover, too!

There is no Dog by Meg Rosoff

Summary from Goodreads :

Meet your unforgettable protagonist: God, who, as it turns out, is a 19-year-old boy living in the present-day and sharing an apartment with his long-suffering fifty-something personal assistant. Unfortunately for the planet, God is lazy and, frankly, hopeless. He created all of the world’s species in six days because he couldn’t summon the energy to work for longer. He gets Africa and America mixed up. And his beleagured assistant has his work cut out for him when God creates a near-apolcalyptic flood, having fallen asleep without turning the bath off. There is No Dog is a darkly funny novel from one of our most delightfully unpredictable writers.

What is at the top of your wishlist right now?


11 responses to “On My Wishlist – 15”

  1. BermudaOnion says :

    This sounds so good!

  2. Safari Poet says :

    Sounds like an interesting read.

    On My Wishlist

  3. lisa says :

    meg rosoff is SO GOOD. totally agree with you!

  4. Juju at Tales of Whimsy... says :

    What an interesting cover. I would have to pick this up if I saw it in a bookstore.

  5. Lisa @ Lost in Literature says :

    Definitely sounds interesting. Enjoy!

    On My Wishlist

    Lisa @ Lost in Literature

  6. Alpa says :

    This sounds such a good read:)

  7. zibilee says :

    This one is on my wishlist too after reading Nymeth’s incredible review on it. It sounds like such a fun and irreverent book, and I can’t wait to read it. Great choice!

  8. Sabrina says :

    This book sounds pretty fascinating, great choice.

  9. Pussreboots says :

    There is no Dog sounds great! This week I’m wishing for a new book by Sarah Weeks. Please come see what it is.

  10. Andrea says :

    This sounds really cute! Great pick 🙂

  11. Mystica says :

    Interesting choice. New to me as well.

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