Filling the Shelf – 53

Filling the Shelf is basically Mailbox Monday (this month hosted by Diary of an Eccentric) or In my Mailbox (created by The Story Siren ), but with a title that suits my blog 😀 If you’re interested in joining the fun or seeing what other bloggers added to their shelves, I invite you to visit those two awesome features!

Happy Monday readers!

I know, I’m almost late with this post. I had a hard time sleeping last night and then spent the day catching up. I hate when that happens, it will probably take me a week to put me back on a more regular sleeping pattern again. Huh!

This being said I had a GREAT mailbox this week! Some gifts, some picks of my own, and two preorders from forever ago that finally arrived!


Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë : A favorite of mine in a beautiful edition. See more here!

I’ve Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella : I’m already almost done with this one, and I love it. It’s light and fun and way better than her last Becky Bloomwood.


Horizon by Sophie Littlefield : Book 3 of the Aftertime series; now that I have this one, I feel I can read the second one.

Physics of the Future by Michio Kaku : Science fiction is fun, but I’m also curious to read about what might really be in our future when it comes to science and technology. It’s different from my usual reading, but I read a few (ok, many) pages at the bookstore and thought it was very well explained. I’m excited about reading this one!

Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver : The sequel to Delirium, which I liked enough. It ended with one of the most excruciating cliffhangers ever so I’m curious to see where this will go.

Partials by Dan Wells : A post-apocalyptic YA world with engineered organics beings gone bad. It does sound good, I hope it will be.

What did you add to your shelves recently? Have you read one of these two books?


6 responses to “Filling the Shelf – 53”

  1. Amanda says :

    I really like the cover to Pandemonium. I’m still trying to decide if I want to read that one. I was just meh about the first one, but did like the way it ended. I barely remember it now, though.

  2. Holly says :

    I love Jane Eyre too and that edition does look nice. I’m still on the fence on whether to try Lauren Oliver’s books. I just started reading YA recently and she’s on my “maybe” list 🙂 Happy reading!

  3. Mary says :

    I think the latest covers on classics are wonderful! Enjoy your new books!

  4. Anna (Diary of an Eccentric) says :

    I must get my hands on the new Sophie Kinsella book. Happy reading!

  5. zibilee says :

    That copy of Jane Eyre looks amazing, and I also hope that you enjoy Pandemonium. Everyone has been dying for that book to come out!

  6. Juju @ Tales of says :

    I’m itching for Partials and the new Kinsella.

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