R.I.P. 6 – I’m in!

About a week ago, if not a little more, I decided this year would be the year I would finally participate to the R.I.P. challenge. Though I am a little late to the party (the event actually started at the beginning of September), I feel that October is the perfect time for me to read some mysterious and dark stories. September has come and gone and taken all of the sunshine with him, so I might as well keep myself warm and stay in with some great books.

For those of you less familiar with the Readers Imbibing Peril challenge, it consists in reading books from these very broad categories :

Mystery.      Suspense.
Thriller.      Dark Fantasy.
Gothic.     Horror.

There are also different levels of challenge, allowing you to participate by reading 4 books, 2 books, or even only 1! So, for those who would like to join but don’t want to commit to it too severely, you still have enough time to do so! There are also other ways to participate, so don’t hesitate!

I want to participate by completing Peril the First, which consists of reading 4 books, but I’ll be happy to do Peril the Second, which is to read 2 books. So here is my selection for the event :

The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry : This one for many reasons : it takes place in Salem, involves women reading the future in the lace they are making, a main character who’s twin sister died, and a healthy dose of mystery. It might not be Gothic or creepy (I only have about 30 pages read so far, so it is hard to say), but it definitely has a weird, uncomfortable and mysterious vibe – which I believe the R.I.P. is all about, right?

Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffeneger : Twin sisters moving in a flat that borders a cemetery? Already sounds like a good plan. I’ve read this story also has ghosts. Even better!

The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters : An historical fiction mixing a mystery, Britain, ghosts? Almost all of my favorite things (where are the cats and the chocolate?) Also, this will be my introduction to Sarah Waters, who has been recommended to me countless times!

The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield : I’ll admit I don’t know much about this book. I got my copy when there was a lot of hype around it and decided to keep it for a better suited moment. But again it’s been recommended to me under as a Gothic novel many times, so what better time to read it than now?

I really am in a mood for slow, atmospheric novels rather than action-packed books right now, which explains my picks. But I reserve the right to switch them up with something else if I feel like it!

So who’s in, and what are you reading? Any comments on my selection?

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10 responses to “R.I.P. 6 – I’m in!”

  1. BermudaOnion says :

    I haven’t read any of your picks. I hope you have fun with the challenge!

  2. Amanda says :

    Yay! I’m glad you’re in. I listened to The Lace Reader back in the early summer and it was really good. Very much enjoyed it and it will make a great RIP selection. The Thirteenth Tale will too!

  3. Natalie ~ the Coffee and a Book Chick says :

    You’ve got some great selections! I’ve only read The Thirteenth Tale in this bunch but I loved every page of it and couldn’t out it down. Enjoy, can’t to read your thoughts on it!

  4. avisannschild says :

    I’ve read three of your four picks! I really enjoyed The Lace Reader and The Thirteenth Tale, but not so much Her Fearful Symmetry, which I found bleak and disturbing. Good luck with this challenge!

  5. Melissa (Avid Reader) says :

    Yay! I’m glad you’re joining the challenge. I’ve read all of your selections except for The Lace Reader. I particularly loved The Thirteenth Tale. The Little Stranger is great too and it was my introduction to Waters as well. I think that after The Time Traveler’s Wife my expectations were too high for Her Fearful Symmetry. Enjoy your choices!

  6. Darlene says :

    Fantastic selection of books! I read The Lace Reader and The Thirteenth Tale and loved thyme. The other two are on my shelf to read. I can’t wait to see your thoughts on these.

  7. Darlene says :

    Sorry for the spelling mistakes. I’m on my iPad and it has a mind of it’s own. Lol.

  8. zibilee says :

    Good luck to you with the challenge! I think I am unofficially in as well, but have to be sure to make some time for the books I want to read!

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