Review : Gone

Gone by Michael Grant
Pages : 558
Genre : YA, Speculative Fiction
Series : Gone, Book 1
My Rating :

From the Back of the Book :

In the blink of an eye, everyone disappears.


Everyone except for the young. Teens. Middle schoolers. Toddlers. But not a single adult. No teachers, no cops, no doctors, no parents. Gone, too, are the phones, internet, and television. There is no way to get help. Hunger threatens. Bullies rule. A sinister creature lurks. Animals are mutating. And the teens themselves are changing, developing new talents—unimaginable, dangerous, deadly powers—that grow stronger by the day.

It’s a terrifying new world. Sides are being chosen and war is imminent…

I saw Gone on a table at the bookstore when it first came out and was immediately intrigued by it, although at the time I wasn’t yet into YA reading. I finally decided to read it at the end of December, while studying, and it was such a great diversion! At 558 pages, the book isn’t small, but I wasn’t bored one second of it.

One of the things that made this book great was the cast of characters : numerous, yes, but also very varied – varied in ages, races, sexual orientations, attitudes, abilities, etc. Written from a third person point of view, the book follows different kids in turns, but mainly Sam and his closest friends, Astrid and Quinn. They all have very distinct personalities, and I enjoyed that Grant wrote a narration both from the “good” side and the “bad” side. Their reactions to the events are believable, and I liked how the author described the horror without going too far with the details.

The way each of the characters developed was complex, and although there is a traditional “good versus evil” plot, it wasn’t too simple a story. Grant definitely has a talent to build an intricate setting and create a mystery. The blurb on the cover says that “If Stephen King had written Lord of the Flies, it might have been a little like this”; I haven’t read Lord of the Flies (I know, I know…) but the trapped community was definitely reminiscent of Stephen King’s work!

There is so much we don’t know as we start the story (and the action begins right from the start), and the pace really makes it a page-turner. I wanted to know where and how did the adults disappeared? Why the mutations? All the answers aren’t given all in this first novel though, so if you read it and enjoy it, be prepared to grab the next book, Hunger, as soon as possible!

Series Reading Order :

  1. Gone
  2. Hunger
  3. Lies (May 2010)

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12 responses to “Review : Gone”

  1. kay says :

    Oooh and by the way, this is review number 100! 😀

  2. Bella says :

    I’m ashamed to say I haven’t read any Dystopian novels, but I do want to. They sound so good, and this might be a great place to start.

    Congrats on the 100th review Kay!

  3. Juju says :

    I gotta gotta gotta try this series. Congrats on your 100th review 🙂

  4. Ceri says :

    Kay, your review has made me add this to my wishlist. I liked the sound of this book but hadn’t read any reviews on it yet. Because you liked it, I’m going to give it a try. 🙂

    Review number 100 = Yay!!! Way to go!

  5. Staci-Life in the Thumb says :

    My son is really into this genre of book right now. Sounds like one he would enjoy!

  6. Michelle M says :

    I keep seeing reviews for this one but haven’t picked it up yet. I don’t know why I’m waiting – it looks marvy. Congrats on the 100th review!

  7. bermudaonion says :

    The premise of the book sounds like a kid’s dream – until it happens – and then it’s probably a nightmare. Glad to see the book’s so good.

  8. Meg says :

    Sounds like another great dystopian novel to add to my collection! You pointed out everything I would want to know about the story before beginning it — great review, as always 🙂

  9. Vasilly says :

    This sounds like such a great book! Nice review!

  10. nat @book, line, and sinker says :

    ooh, sounds good. i like YA stuff and this seems fresh and fun. not to gory, though, right?

  11. Literature Crazy says :

    I loved (read: LOVED, LOVED) this book and went out and immediately bought and read the second one (they’re reviewed together on my blog). I posted the review to Goodreads (where the author has an account) and he got back in touch with me and told me a little tid bit about the third book.

    Ooh! I’m so excited for LIES to come out. Thanks for reviewing it–EVERYONE should read this book (even if they’re not huge YA dystopic fans).

  12. Charlotte says :

    Gone has been on my list for ages…and then I keep reading reviews like yours and meaning to bump it up for crying out loud!

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