Sunday Salon : Some Whining and Some Books

The Sunday

This week was the week summer happened; this week was the week I regretted ever complaining about summer not being here! It’s not that I don’t like the warm, I do, but I really can’t stand the humidity! It feels like I have a really fat cat sitting on my chest constantly.

Anyway, enough with the whining already! I had a great week of reading, although a little slow, but that doesn’t really matter, does it! At this point in time I know I won’t exactly complete my Summer Reading Blitz Challenge, but still I’m not disappointed. I thought if I could read at least 20 of the 30 books goal, I’d be happy with myself, and I did. But I’ll post more about this experience this week, when the challenge is really over!

This week, I read great things, including a really nice french book on cats. Other than that, I read :

  • The Forest of Hands and Teeth, by Carrie Ryan
  • Prada and Prejudice, by Mandy Hubbard
  • Mooncalled, by Patricia Briggs

Started but not finished :

  • The Awakening, by Kate Chopin
  • Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict, by Laurie Viera Rigler (this one is a light re-read to refresh my memory, since the sequel just came out)
  • Bloodbound, by Patricia Briggs
  • Two-Way Street, by Lauren Barnholdt
  • Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen (it seems like I began this one forever ago!)

And finally, interesting things and discussions happening in the community this week :

Today the sky is gray, but it’s actually supposed to be a sunny day. If the sun happens, I’ll be reading at my favorite coffee shop. I’ll be drinking a large Iced Cappucino and reading one of the books I’ve already begun (although, probably not Pride and Prejudice.) Other books I’m suceptible of beginning this week are books I received/bought this last week. Oh, and The Hunger Games. For the third week in a row, I’ll say that I definitively want to read it this week!


5 responses to “Sunday Salon : Some Whining and Some Books”

  1. bermudaonion says :

    Summer is my time of year – you’ll rarely hear me complain about the heat. It looks like you had a good reading week.

  2. Meghan says :

    I just read The Hunger Games the other day! It was amazing, I hope you like it.

    I enjoy the heat of summer, but humidity really gets to me, so I know what you’re talking about.

  3. Literary Feline says :

    Did you end up making it to the coffee shop? The temperature here just reached 101. I am grateful there’s no humity, but it’s still hot enough outside that I’d rather stay indoors with the air conditioner. 🙂

    Patricia Briggs is an author I’ve been really wanting to read, and someday I may just be able to do that! I’ve heard such great things about her books.

    I hope you have a great week!

  4. Vasilly says :

    I am not a summer person. I prefer winter or fall. I barely care for spring. The Forest of Hands and Teeth is on my wish list. Happy reading and good luck with finally getting to The Hunger Games! =)

  5. kay says :

    bermudaonion : I hope you have more summer time where you are than what we have here then! 🙂

    Meghan : I just began it last night, and I think I could really like it, too!

    Literary Feline : Yes, I did! It was refreshing. The rest of the time, I stayed inside with the air conditioner too 🙂
    I really enjoyed my first Patricia Briggs! I would recommend it if you are an urban fantasy fan, Briggs has a very detailed universe.

    Vasilly : I prefer fall too, it’s my favorite season! For the trees colors, but also for the weather. And I read the first few pages of The Hunger Games last night, so it’s a good beginning! 🙂

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